31 January 2013


Remember my post way back when about Pops and I making a webshow movie short for the City of Balanga? (HERE) Well we had our first school tour screening yesterday (Jan 29, 2013) in Balanga. The first school to be screened was BPSU (Bataan Peninsula State University). We divided the screening into 4 batches so that it would fit the students’ schedules. By the way, you ca like the page HERE and my fanpage HERE for my photos of the events.
When I arrived, we headed straight for the plaza. Every morning, the city holds a morning aerobics session for anyone and everyone who wants to participate. Pretty neat, huh? The cool part is, they use modern music. They even used dubstep once! HAHA
We arrived pretty early that day. It was just about twilight when we entered the city. The moon was extraordinarily beautiful that day. Oh by the way, all photos were taken with my Sony NEX5.
We held our screening at the Balanga People's Center. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, we held our screeningsWITHOUT A PROJECTOR. We used an LCD screen (the one they use for concerts and video billboards). It was actually pretty cool. Before the screening, we watched Adele's concert on the screen. IT FELT SO REAL only because the acoustics of the place gave us that "concert feel".
The photobooth background.
MY CAST! (per character's names) SONNY, SHEILA, CATHY, ANNIE, BUBOY, (back) MARCO
Daniel (character's name is Marco)
Guess which drink is mine. BAHAHA. ALL. HAHAHA.
They had this on most of the seats on the side. It was to prevent the students from sitting someplace else.
This was one fo their giveaways during the screening. They gave me one only because I asked for it. HAHA. It was actually pretty cute :))
The logo of the show designed by MISO. Woo! Follow the fanpage on updates! We'll be shooting episode 2 very very soon. If you have any ideas for the show, feel free to message me on my formspring http://formspring.me/katsandejas :)


You can still check out my previous blog [ http://bazoeka.tumblr.com ] I changed because Tumblr had a new layout in the blogging so it was difficult for me to edit my photos. It would upload my pictures in low quality, and when I would resize it MANUALLY, it would be so grainy. I hate it. I wish tumblr just STAYED THE SAME.
During these early mornings, I tend to just sit back, relax, and just fucking write shit. Mostly songs.
This is not an artsy shot. It was a failed attempt to take a photo of the screen. Apparent;y it was on timer, and, voila. I'd hate to put a good photo to waste. Ironically it een follows the rule of thirds. HAHA.
And thats my stupid and messy iMac featuring MERLIN! Lalalala I love that series. It was Alaric who first introduced me to it. Alrighty. Goodnight. :)
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