11 November 2014

Eventscapade: VIVANT 2014

Thank you UP Travel Society for inviting me as one of your photographers for VIVANT.

Y'all remember Sean right? Well he and his friend, Jo, played that night (DJ Swerdyboy x DJ Jo). I'm so proud of him!!!

The duo plus Jazz and Ryan

The decor that night.

Kei, the gorgeous lady of UPTS. 

MY BABY IDA. She was a member of the UP pep squad so you can just imagine how insanely fit this woman is.

This post is a bit short because I'm quite busy with my photos for Unleashed 3 (which will be the post after this)

04 November 2014

Recalculating & Eventscapade: Parties. Parties Everywhere...

If you guys follow my Facebook fanpage (weeew) or my Instagram, you'd know that its my night at Tipple and Slaw every Thursday (if you wanna show up, it's fine. There's no guestlist and its buy one take one Jack Daniels.)

A couple of my friends came over and, well, we kiiiinda partied too hard. HAHAHA. Thank you UP Friends and Aya for coming.

L-R: Me, Cara, Aya

L-R: Joanna, Alyssa, Cara, Aya, and I


Okay enough of that. A few days after, I went to UP Lose Banos to meet up with my brods and sorority sisters.

L-R: My sisters; Reina, Anna, Me, Sarina.

Next part up: The Heineken MNL bottle Launch

Basically the event featured Heineken's new packaging of their beer bottle. There is one for every big city in the world. Some examples would be Singapore, Tokyo, Amsterdam, New York, and Berlin. The event took place at Skye in BGC

Buffet huhu.

Yeahnigga. TUS at some fancy shmancy event,

My twin mom and I

Mom and her highschool friends

Anyway. I've been so busy lately that I've absolutely no time to write about anything anymore. Til the next post!!! *hint. Its on a boat* HOHOHO :3

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