28 January 2016

UP Sigma Delta Phi Batch 2012 Christmas Party

So my batchmates in the UP Sigma Delta Phi Sorority (Diliman chapter) and I decided to have our annual Christmas party in Garage 88. It's along Katipunan extension and is a bit easy to miss since its on the top floor of a tiny building.

L-R: Mai, April, Louise, Jeuls

What I love about my batchmates is that they always make sure that I have a lot of photos during the night. They know how difficult it is being a photographer (Jeuls is a photographer as well) and they make it a point to lighten the load of my job as the batch's official photographer)

Here's April being her camwhore self. Since our first day as batchmates, she's always been the one who was most eager to jump in front of my camera.

Here's Dawn and Tep. They arrived a bit (okay, fine. they were an hour late) late because they had just arrived from Baguio. We had a rule that we weren't supposed to bring our boyfriends along but we gave Tep the exception since he and Dawn came all the way from Benguet. That and we wanted him to relax a bit since he was the one who drove. Poor Tep...

The tall samurai looking guy is our batchmate (in the fraternity), Kevin. On the same day of our reunion, UP JMA (Kevin's org) also held a meeting/drinking session at Garage 88. There they are at the table behind Kevin.

Since Dawn and Tep were late, everyone was too eager to have the exchange gift. Prior to the reuinion, April had messaged us some rules about the Kris Kringle.

1. Should be P200 or less.
2. Should match the personality of the batch.
3. Should be given with love.

Naturally, we all chose gifts that were absolutely pang-gago (foolish) and/or girly (which we all are).

We all wrapped pur gifts intricately, except for Mai. She didn't even bother wrapping her gift at all. I brought cookies for each of them that day and apparently had an extra box since our other batchmate, Toni, was unable to come. Mai used the box to hide her gift. That's what I call resourcefulness.

I made them a box gingerbread snickerdoodles; each box containing 6 cookies each. 

And now for the gift reveal.

A pouch for Jeuls from Mai.

Flase eyelashes and glue for Louise from Jeuls.

A small bottle of Cuervo Tequila from me to April (She'd been nagging me to get her for Kris Kringle since she was expecting that it would be alcohol. She was correct. HAHA).

Chocolates and lipstick from Dawn to Mai.

Digestables from April to Dawn.

My gift? Deodorant soap from Mai.

Here's Louise posing for the camera. Prior to this, she dragged me out to the balcony and said "BATCH. I need a new Profile Picture for Facebook!)

I'm not even going to try to explain these photos. Let's just say we ordered 4 buckets of beer and his was the result. #ProudAlcoholics #OnlyWhileWereStillYoung

And here are my wonderful batchmates minus Sam, Ericka, Toni, and Keiko.

Cor Unum Via Una, Sigma Delta Phi 2012!

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