23 July 2014

Evenstcapade: UNLEASHED 2

I am a partyphile and I'm not ashamed of it. I live for the music, the lights, and the dancing. When I found out about this free party called Unleashed, I was thinking about going. When I found out that it's a free, WET AND WILD party? I called up my batchmate from the sorority and told her to come with me.

The long line to get the free bag and facepaint.

Note: I didn't have a proper waterproof case for my Sony so I had to cling wrap the entire thing, lens included. Surprisingly, it worked! Problem was, when it started raining, it was difficult to wipe the lens dry since my clothes were wet and my handkerchief was wet as well. It produced nice photos anyway. I think.

I mean, look at that stage. Honestly it looks bigger in the photo (It wasn't THAT big. Probably just as big as 2/3rds of McDonald's Katipunan).

I came really early so that I can take photos. I wanted to enjoy the night so half of the event was assiduous photo taking madness.

This was at around 6 o'clock in the afternoon. It was already drizzling by then.

By 8pm, the madness started to show up.

The organizers put barrels of water around the area so that you can refill your water guns (which were free by the way).

The party was awesome! Only problem was, I had probably 7 friends who either lost their phones, got their bags stolen, or both. It was a free event so you can't really filter out who goes in and who doesn't.

Til next time!

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