03 July 2014

Recalculating: Caliraya


~Uh. Okay. That sounded better in my mind. Anyway.

I went to Lake Caliraya, Laguna recently with my barkada (clique) recently. Thank you to the Lee family for being so hospitable and amazing. Thank you Pong for teaching me how to jetski and ALMOST KILLING  ME IN THE PROCESS WHEN YOU DECIDED TO GO THROUGH YOUR TRAINING COURSE WITH ME STILL ON. Thank you to my lovely barkada for making our trip one hell of an experience.

Cali group A (we all came in 3 cars at 3 different times. Cali A arrived in the morning. Cali B arrived mid afternoon. Cali C arrived at the evening) Back to front left to right: Kiko, Carla, Tapel, Me, Pong.

The beautiful and serene Lake Caliraya. See the shore? Thats mud. See the canoes? I slipped and fell beside those motherfuckers. IT WAS SO SLIPPERY.

Okay so Pong owned a couple of jet skis and one of them had this boat thing attached to it. We rode off to an area in the lake where the view was spectacular and the winds were strong. THEN WE OPENED BOTTLES OF BEER AND BOXES OF CIGARETTES, YKNOW. CUZ YOLO.

We had SO MUCH TIME to spare so we decided to takes selfies.
And then we realized that it would be neat to take selfies on the grass (I have no idea why though. At that time, it seemed like it was an awesome idea).

Apparently, masmaganda daw yung colors.

Um. Okay...

The girls with Pong's dad. 

OKAY CAN I JUST SAY, I'VE NEVER BEEN SO AMUSED WITH A BANANA BOAT EVER. Imagine riding a regular old banana boat. Perfectly fine right? Well then, imagine riding a perfectly normal banana boat with a GOLD MEDALIST JET SKI RACER WHO HAPPENS TO BE IN THE TOP 5 IN THE PHILIPPINES. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW HARD WE FUCKING FELL. AND THIS IS FRESHWATER, NOT SALT WATER. Thank you, Pong. Thank you for making banana boats under my "extreme recreational sports" category.

This is a photo of very wasted people. There is this area which seems like a tidal island (its high enough for you to stand) so we decided to "park" the boats and drink there for a bit. You can check the video on what it looks like *video is at the end of this post*

You guys all know that I love the water. So I think this shot is just absolutely perfect.

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